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Version: 0.1.0

Conditional stuff

if statement

Executes it's code block if the expression in the parentheses evaluates to true.

if ($true) { print 'true'; }
if ($false) { print 'false'; }
// Output: true
if ($true) { print 'true'; }
if ($false) { print 'false'; }
// Output: true

else if and else

else if and else can be used with the if statement just as in other normal languages.

switch statement

The switch statement is a bit weird in RCaron.

$str = 'fun';
switch ($str) {
'fun' { print 'fun'; }
default { print 'default'; }
// Output: fun
$str = 'fun';
switch ($str) {
'fun' { print 'fun'; }
default { print 'default'; }
// Output: fun