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Your profile is located at ~/.rcaron/profile.rcaron. You can use this to configure the shell and run code on startup.


Autocomplete is enabled by default. It has the following properties on $prompt_callbacks:

  • EnableAutoCompletions: bool - Enables or disables autocomplete
  • MaxCompletions: int - The maximum amount of completions to get
  • ThrowOnCompletionError: bool - If true the shell will throw an exception and die if an error occurs while getting completions

Bracket Pair Colorization

Bracket pair highlighting is enabled by default. It affects the round(()), square([]) and curly({}) brackets.

It has the following properties on $prompt_callbacks:

  • HighlightBracketPairs: bool - Enables or disables bracket pair colorization
  • ColorizeBracketsOutOfLimit: bool - If true bracket that are out of the NestedPairLimit will be colored, if false they will be colored white
  • NestedPairLimit: int - The maximum amount of nested pairs
  • PairErrorFormat: PrettyPrompt.Highlighting.ConsoleFormat - The format for unpaired brackets
  • PairColors: PrettyPrompt.Highlighting.AnsiColor[] - The colors for the pairs, loops around if there are more pairs than colors

Syntax Highlighting

Setting up syntax highlighting is currently complicated.

For this example you need to get the syntaxes/rcaron.tmLanguage.json file from the rcaron-vscode repository, and dark_plus.json and dark_vs.json from the extensions/theme-defaults/themes directory in the vscode repository.

$registry = #RCaron.Shell.Prompt.LocalRegistryOptions:new()
$registry.GrammarPaths.Add('source.rcaron', 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\rcaron-vscode\\syntaxes\\rcaron.tmLanguage.json')
$registry.DefaultThemePath = 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\vscode\\extensions\\theme-defaults\\themes\\dark_plus.json'
$registry.ThemePaths.Add('./dark_vs.json', 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\vscode\\extensions\\theme-defaults\\themes\\dark_vs.json')
$registry = #RCaron.Shell.Prompt.LocalRegistryOptions:new()
$registry.GrammarPaths.Add('source.rcaron', 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\rcaron-vscode\\syntaxes\\rcaron.tmLanguage.json')
$registry.DefaultThemePath = 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\vscode\\extensions\\theme-defaults\\themes\\dark_plus.json'
$registry.ThemePaths.Add('./dark_vs.json', 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\source\\vscode\\extensions\\theme-defaults\\themes\\dark_vs.json')


You can set a function that returns a string to be used as the prompt with Set-Prompt.


func Funny() {
return 'lol'
Set-Prompt Funny
func Funny() {
return 'lol'
Set-Prompt Funny

Using oh-my-posh

Due to an issue in PrettyPrompt ANSI escape codes make the prompt not work correctly. This can be worked around by removing them using Regex.

You can use the following code in your profile, note this does not work with a transient prompt, you need to have oh-my-posh installed and replace $themePath with the path to your theme.

func Prompt() {
$startInfo = #System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo:new();
$startInfo.FileName = 'oh-my-posh';
$themePath = '~/.poshthemes/jan.omp.json';
$startInfo.Arguments = 'print primary --shell rcaron --pwd ' + #Environment:CurrentDirectory + ' --config ' + $themePath + ' -w=' + #System.Console:WindowWidth.ToString();
$startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false;
$startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = #System.Text.Encoding:UTF8;
$startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true;
$process = #System.Diagnostics.Process:Start($startInfo);
$output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
$lines = $output.Split('\n');
for($i = 0; $i < $lines.Length - 1; $i++){
print $lines[$i];
$final = #System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace($lines[$lines.Length - 1], '\u001b\\[[0-9;]*m', '');
$final = #System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace($final, '\u001b\\].*\a', '');
return $final;
Set-Prompt 'Prompt';
func Prompt() {
$startInfo = #System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo:new();
$startInfo.FileName = 'oh-my-posh';
$themePath = '~/.poshthemes/jan.omp.json';
$startInfo.Arguments = 'print primary --shell rcaron --pwd ' + #Environment:CurrentDirectory + ' --config ' + $themePath + ' -w=' + #System.Console:WindowWidth.ToString();
$startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false;
$startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = #System.Text.Encoding:UTF8;
$startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true;
$process = #System.Diagnostics.Process:Start($startInfo);
$output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
$lines = $output.Split('\n');
for($i = 0; $i < $lines.Length - 1; $i++){
print $lines[$i];
$final = #System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace($lines[$lines.Length - 1], '\u001b\\[[0-9;]*m', '');
$final = #System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace($final, '\u001b\\].*\a', '');
return $final;
Set-Prompt 'Prompt';


You can set executable aliases with Set-ExecAlias, this currently only works with the executable name.

// (Linux)
Set-ExecAlias 'list' 'ls'
// (Linux)
Set-ExecAlias 'list' 'ls'

You can also retrieve the set aliases with Get-ExecAlias:

Set-ExecAlias 'list' 'ls'
print (@Get-ExecAlias 'list')
Set-ExecAlias 'list' 'ls'
print (@Get-ExecAlias 'list')